captain beefheart
& the magic band
somewhere over paris
2014 | 2cd | uk | gonzo gzo105cd |
re-released on vinyl in 2015
(2015, 2lp, uk, let them eat vinyl tetvz3slp)
1977/11/19 concert 'le nouvel hippodrome', paris, france
captain beefheart (don van
vliet): vocals, saxophones, chinese gongs
drew feldman: bass
denny walley: guitar, slide
jeff moris tepper: guitar,
slide guitar
arthur williams: drums
harry duncan: harmonica
disc one
hair pie: bake III
suction prints
low yo yo stuff
bat chain puller
i wanna find a woman that'll hold my big toe till i have to go
abba zaba
dali's car
one nest rolls after another
the dust blows forward and the dust blows back
nowadays a woman's gotta hit a man
click clack
grow fins
golden birdies
disc two
a carrot is as close as a rabbit gets to a diamond
china pig
sun zoom spark
my human gets me blues
floppy boot stomp
moonlight on vermont
carson city
old black snake
pachuco cadaver
veteran's day poppy / band intro
the blimp
big eyed beans from venus