
Prince at the Superbowl in 2007




1 prince: for you
    (1978, lp, usa, warner bros. records)

prince_foryou.jpg (11806 bytes)

2 prince: prince
    (1979, lp, usa, warner bros. records)

prince_prince.jpg (18672 bytes)

3 prince: dirty mind 
    (1980, lp, usa, warner bros. records)

prince_dirtymind.jpg (23721 bytes)


prince: controversy 
    (1981, lp, usa, warner bros. records)


prince and the revolution: 1999
    (1982, cd, usa, warner bros. records)

prince_1999.jpg (34150 bytes)


prince and the revolution: purple rain
    (1984, cd, usa, warner bros. records)

prince_purplerain.jpg (119242 bytes)

  prince and the revolution: purple rain
    (1984, video, usa, warner bros. records)

prince_purplerain_dvd.jpg (135635 bytes)


prince and the revolution: around the world in a day
    (1985, cd, usa, warner bros. records)

prince_aroundtheworldinaday.jpg (96785 bytes)

  prince and the revolution: live
    (1985, vhs video, usa, warner music video) - also made available on laserdisc

prince_live_vhs1985.jpg (41470 bytes)


prince and the revolution: parade
    (1986, cd, usa, warner bros. records)

prince_parade.jpg (64607 bytes)


prince: sign 'o' the times
    (1987, 2cd, usa, warner bros. records)

prince_signothetimes.jpg (107431 bytes)

  prince: sign 'o' the times
    (1987, video, ??, ??)
prince_signothetimedvd.jpg (145957 bytes)


prince: lovesexy
    (1988, cd,  usa, warner bros. records)
princelovesexy.jpg (80604 bytes)
  prince: lovesexy live
    (1988, video, ??, ??)


prince: batman
    (1989, cd, usa, warner bros. records)
princebatman.jpg (64754 bytes)


prince: graffiti bridge
    (1990, cd, usa, paisley park records)
princegraffitibridge.jpg (108293 bytes)


prince & the new power generation: diamonds and pearls
    (1991, cd, usa, warner bros. records)
princediamondsandpearls.jpg (91651 bytes)


prince & the new power generation: love symbol
    (1992, cd, usa, warner bros. records)
prince_lovesymbol_limcd.jpg (90817 bytes)


prince: the hits 1
    (1993, cd, usa, warner bros. records) - compilation

prince_hits1.jpg (23146 bytes)


prince: the hits 2
    (1993, cd, usa, warner bros. records) - compilation

prince_hits2.jpg (21653 bytes)


prince: the hits/the b-sides
    (1993, cd, usa, paisley park records) - compilation
prince_hitsbsides.jpg (67513 bytes)
  prince: the hits collection
    (1993, dvd, ger, warner reprise video)

prince_thehitscollection_dvd.jpg (34291 bytes)


prince: come
    (1994, cd, usa, warner bros. records)

prince_come.jpg (106708 bytes)


prince: the black album
    (1994, cd, usa, warner bros. records)  
prince_blackalbum.jpg (14469 bytes)


prince: 1-800 new funk
    (1994, cd, usa, ??) - compilation
  prince: the undertaker
    (1995, dvd, usa, ??)
  prince: the versace experience
    (1995, k7, usa, npg records) - re-eleased on cassette but also on cd and on vinyl in 2019


prince: the gold experience
    (1995, cd, usa, npg / warner bros. records)
prince_thegoldexperience.jpg (22614 bytes)


prince: the sacrifice of victor
    (1995, video, ??, ??)


prince: girl 6
    (1996, cd, usa, warner bros. records)

prince_girl6.jpg (48927 bytes)


prince: chaos and disorder
    (1996, cd, usa, warner bros. records)

prince_chaosanddisorder.jpg (37852 bytes)


prince: emancipation  
    (1996, cd, usa, npg records) 


prince: crystal ball  
    (1998, 4cd, usa, npg records)  


prince: the truth
    (1998, cd, usa, npg records) - released as part of the "crystal ball" set, re-released seperately as an lp in 2021
  prince: beautiful strange
    (1998, video, ??, ??)
25 prince: the vault... old friends 4 sale  
    (1999, cd, usa, warner bros. records)  
26 prince: rave un2 the joy fantastic  
    (1999, cd, usa, arista / npg records)  
27 prince: rave in2 the joy fantastic  
    (2001, cd, usa, arista / npg records)  = remixes
28 prince: the very best of prince
    (2001, cd, usa, ??) - compilation
29 prince: the rainbow children
    (2001, cd, usa, npg records)  
30 prince: one nite alone... solo piano and voice by prince
    (2002, cd, usa, npg records)
31 prince: one nite alone... live!  
    (2002, 3cd, usa, npg records)=  "one night alone... live!" + one night alone... the aftershow"  

prince_onenitealonebox.jpg (18227 bytes)

32 prince: one nite alone... the aftershow: it ain't over
    (2002, cd, usa, npg) = released a part of "one night alone... live" box set
33 prince: xpectation
    (2003, download, usa, npg), 
34 prince: n.e.w.s.
    (2003, cd, usa, ??)
  prince: live at the aladdin las vegas
    (2003, dvd, usa, npg)
35 prince: musicology
    (2004, cd, usa, columbia / npg records)  

prince_musicology.jpg (32903 bytes)

36 prince: the chocalate invasion
    (2004, cd, usa, ??)
37 prince: the slaughterhouse
    (2004, cd, usa, ??)
38 prince: c-note
    (2004, cd, usa, ??)
39 prince: 3121
    (2006, cd, usa, universal / npg records)

prince_3121.jpg (25612 bytes)

40 prince: ultimate prince
    (2006, cd, usa, warner brothers)  - compilation, including various remixes

prince_ultimate.jpg (14769 bytes)

41 prince: planet earth
    (2007, cd, usa, columbia / npg records)

prince_planetearth.jpg (71581 bytes)


prince: indigo nights  
    (2008, cd, usa, npg records)  - only available with the "21 nights" photobook

prince_indigonights_cd.jpg (19387 bytes)


prince: lotusflow3r / mplsound   * * * bria valente: elixer
    (2009, 3cd, usa, npg records)

prince_lotusflower.jpg (25228 bytes)

43 prince: lotusflow3r
    (2009, cd, usa, npg records)


prince: mplsound
    (2009, cd, usa, npg records)

prince_mplsound.jpg (32105 bytes)


prince: 20ten
    (2010, cd-promo, bel, npg records)

prince_2010_promo.jpg (27745 bytes)


prince & 3rdeyegirl: plectrumelectrum
    (2014, cd, usa, warner brothers)
plectrumelectrum.jpg (14586 bytes)


prince: art official age
    (2014, cd, usa, warner brothers)
prince_artofficialage.jpg (33160 bytes)
48 prince: hitnrun phase one
    (2015, cd, usa, npg records)
prince_hitnrun_phaseone.jpg (17036 bytes)
49 prince: hitnrun phase two
    (2015, cd, usa, npg records)
prince_hitnrun_phasetwo.jpg (16449 bytes)
  50 prince: 4ever
    (2016, 2cd, eu, npg records  / warner brothers 9362-49146-0)
prince_4ever.jpg (25645 bytes)


prince: purple rain (deluxe expanded edition)
    (2017, 3cd + dvd, usa, warner bros / npg)
prince_purplerain_expandeddeluxe.jpg (36815 bytes)
52 prince: anthology 1995-2010  
  53 prince: piano & a microphone, 1983
    (2018, cd, usa, warner bros / npg)
54 prince: his majesty's pop life - the purple mix club
    (2019, cd, japan, npg / warner)
55 prince: the versace experience
    (2019, cd, usa, npg records) - re-release of the 1995...
  prince: ultimate rave
    (2019, 2cd+dvd, usa, warner bros / npg) = re-release
56 prince: originals
    (2019, cd, usa, warner bros / npg)
57 prince: 1999 - deluxe edition
    (2019, 5cd+dvd, europe, warner bros / npg)
58 prince and the revolution: live
    (2020, download, usa, npg)
59 prince: sign 'o' the times - deluxe edition
    (2020, 3cd, europe, warner) = 2 cd remastered + cd single mixes and edits
  prince: sign 'o' the times - deluxe edition
    (2020, 8cd + dvd, europe, warner)
  prince: up all nite with prince - the one nite alone collection
    (2020, 4cd+dvd, europe, npg) = compilation : "one nite alone... solo piano and voice by prince" + "one night alone... live!" + "one night alone... the aftershow" + "prince live at the aladdin las vegas"
60 prince: welcome 2 america
    (2021, cd, europe, sony music)

  prince: purple medley
    (1995, cd5", usa, warner brothers) - special limited edition tour souvenir 1995
prince_purplemedley1995.jpg (19946 bytes)


concerts, demos, etc

























the free boot generation

  prince: days of soundboard
    (2007, download, --, free boot generation fbg12)

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  prince: noon rendezvous
     (2008, download, --, free boot generation fbg18)

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  prince: the leno files - the tonight show performances
    (20??, download, --, free boot generation fbg 23)

prince_fbg23.jpg (20834 bytes)

  prince: the ex-mas rehearsal
    (2009, download, --, free boot generation fbg 27)

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  prince: box of chocolates
    (2010, download, --, free boot generation fbg 29)

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  prince: viage
    (2010, download, --, free boot generation fbg 30)

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  prince: super bock
    (2010, download, --, free boot generation fbg 31)

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  prince: le new morning
    (2010, download, --, free boot generation fbg 32)

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  prince: the bird rehearsal
    (2010, download, --, free boot generation fbg 33)

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  prince: days of soundboard - volume 2
    (2010, download, --, free boot generation fbg 34)

prince_fbg034.jpg (27590 bytes)

  prince: viage2
    (2010, download, --, free boot generation fbg 37)
prince_viage2.jpg (13432 bytes)


downloadable boots



  prince: antwerp - the funkiest place in the world
    (2010, download, --, confusion records) 

prince_b_conf_antwerp20t_c.jpg (16570 bytes)

  prince: crystal ball
    (2010, download, --, pimpsandwich) = the 1986 unreleased album

prince_crystalball_1986.jpg (7676 bytes)

  prince: dream factory
    (2010, download, --, pimpsandwich) = an unreleased album

prince_dreamfactory_pimpsandwich.jpg (20013 bytes)

  prince: t's 12 inch collection
    (2010, download, --, t)
  prince: time 4 oakland 2 get funky
    (2011, download, --, easy ed)

prince_time4oakland2getfunky.jpg (13356 bytes)

  prince: work it (2.0) - volume 1
    (2011, download, --, --) - demos, outtakes, remixes, alternate versions, instrumentals, samples, live versions, etceteras

prince_workitvolume1front.jpg (9885 bytes)

  prince: work it (2.0) - volume 2
    (2011, download, --, --) - demos, outtakes, remixes, alternate versions, instrumentals, samples, live versions, etceteras

prince_workitvolume2front.jpg (9756 bytes)

  prince: work it (2.0) - volume 3
    (2011, download, --, --) - demos, outtakes, remixes, alternate versions, instrumentals, samples, live versions, etceteras

prince_workitvolume3front.jpg (9375 bytes)

  prince: work it (2.0) - volume 4
    (2011, download, --, --) - demos, outtakes, remixes, alternate versions, instrumentals, samples, live versions, etceteras

workitvol4.jpg (9379 bytes)

  prince: work it (2.0) - volume 5
    (2011, download, --, --) - demos, outtakes, remixes, alternate versions, instrumentals, samples, live versions, etceteras

workitvol5.jpg (9988 bytes)

  prince: work it (2.0) - volume 6
    (2011, download, --, --) - demos, outtakes, remixes, alternate versions, instrumentals, samples, live versions, etceteras

workitvol6.jpg (8065 bytes)

  prince: work it (2.0) - volume 7
    (2011, download, --, --) - demos, outtakes, remixes, alternate versions, instrumentals, samples, live versions, etceteras

workitvol7.jpg (9110 bytes)

  prince: work it (2.0) - volume 8
    (2011, download, --, --) - demos, outtakes, remixes, alternate versions, instrumentals, samples, live versions, etceteras
workitvol8.jpg (9627 bytes)


factory pressed bootlegs

  prince: 7 weeks in london
    (????, 35 cd + 3 dvd - bootleg, ??, eye records 20 - 57)

prince_21nitesinlondon.jpg (44372 bytes)


prince_londonbox01.jpg (36305 bytes)

prince_londonbox02.jpg (33225 bytes)

prince_londonbox03.jpg (25818 bytes)

prince_londonbox04.jpg (33991 bytes)

prince_londonbox05.jpg (31960 bytes)

prince_londonbox06.jpg (29919 bytes)

prince_londonbox07.jpg (32448 bytes)

  prince: 777-3121
    (????, 4-cd bootleg, ??, eye records 79-82)

prince_777_3121.jpg (27482 bytes)

  prince: black friday
    (????, 3cd-bootleg, ??, eye records 88 - 90)
prince_blackfriday.jpg (23138 bytes)
  prince: butter restaurant 06
    (????, 2cd-bootleg, ??, ml 10/11)

prince_butterrestaurant06.jpg (31241 bytes)

  prince: c3labration
    (????, 3cd-bootleg, ??, eye records 91 - 93)

prince_c3lapra.jpg (30737 bytes)

  prince: chicago congress
    (????, 2cd-bootleg, ??, npg 006:7)

prince_chicagocongress.jpg (33305 bytes)

  prince: diamonds r 4 ever
    (????, 2cd-bootleg, ??, cream production cd1992-1-2)

prince_diamondsr4ever.jpg (21336 bytes)

  prince: did you miss me?
    (????, 2cd-bootleg, ??, -)

prince_didumissme.jpg (25462 bytes)

  prince: dirty mind
    (????, cd-bootleg, ??, kicks cd 115659)

prince_dirtymind_kicks.jpg (22935 bytes)

  prince: eavesdropped in intimate moments
    (????, cd-bootleg, ??, amphitae 173)

prince_eavesdropped.jpg (23871 bytes)

  prince: free
    (????, 2cd-bootleg, ??, optimum 08/09)

prince_free.jpg (26771 bytes)

  prince: funk u up
    (????, 2cd-bootleg, ??, rpcd 2080/2081)

prince_funkuup.jpg (33530 bytes)

  prince: housequake
    (????, cd-bootleg, ??, scorpio)

prince_housequake.jpg (24913 bytes)

  prince: intermission
    (????, 2cd-bootleg, ??, cl 7908/9)

prince_intermission.jpg (26537 bytes)

  prince: international lover
    (????, cd-bootleg, ??, templar tcd007)

prince_internationallover.jpg (30521 bytes)

  prince: let's go crazy * live
    (????, 10cd-bootleg, ??, reel to reel prince01)
  prince: live at the rex
    (????, 2cd- bootleg, ??, lscd 52502)

prince_liveattherex.jpg (27523 bytes)

  prince: madrid eclipse
    (????, 2cd- bootleg, ??,  thunderball tb 111/12)

prince_madrideclipse.jpg (22178 bytes)

  prince: mill city festival
    (????, 2cd-bootleg, ??, univers tapm2010)

prince_millcityfestival.jpg (21107 bytes)

  prince: neon
    (????, cd-bootleg, ??, -)

prince_neon.jpg (38403 bytes)

  prince: new power network volume 1
    (????, cd-bootleg, ??, thunderball tb 054)
prince_newpowernetwork01.jpg (32867 bytes)
  prince: nude tour 1990 - live in tokyo
    (????, cd-bootleg, ??, deep records)

prince_nudetour1990tokyo.jpg (24886 bytes)

  prince: peaches
    (????, 2cd-bootleg, ??, front row 19/20)

prince_peaches.jpg (27368 bytes)

  prince: platinum
    (????, cd-bootleg, ??, -)

prince_platinum.jpg (24783 bytes)

  prince: the purple era
    (2017, cd-bootleg, ??, -)

prince_thepurpleera.jpg (37602 bytes)

  prince: somewhere... over the rainbow
    (????, cd-bootleg, ??, b & c prod)

prince_overtherainbow.jpg (31961 bytes)

  prince: the anniversary experience
    (????, 2cd-bootleg, ??, moonraker)

prince_anniversaryexperience.jpg (26017 bytes)

  prince: the astoria
    (????, cd-bootleg, ??, newpower zounds)

prince_the_astoria.jpg (23184 bytes)

  prince: this is my night
    (????, cd-bootleg, ??, kts229)

prince_thisismynight.jpg (15390 bytes)

  prince: what am i doing aftershow?
    (????, cd-bootleg, ??, mad 5)

prince_whatamidoingaftershow.jpg (19861 bytes)



random notes

The list of Sabotage Bootlegs  

  SAB 01/02 Driving To Midnight Mess - London, Camden Palace / Hamburg Große Freiheit 1988 Aftershows - 2CD  
  SAB 03/04/05 Extravaganza - various 1995 Paisley Park Shows / unreleased Madhouse Album - 3CD  
  SAB 06/07 Past, Present & Future - Outtakes + unreleased Undertaker Album - 2CD    
SAB 08/09 Spanish Harem - Madrid 22.07.1990 - Soundboard Recording- 2CD  
SAB 10/11 Rock over Germany  - 03.09.1993 Lüneburg - Soundboard - 2CD  
SAB 14     Hollywood Affair  - Kim Basinger Outtakes / Prince Outtake - CD
SAB 15     Emancipation Proclamation - Paisley Park 12.11.1996 - Soundboard Recording - CD  
SAB 16/17 Sound & Vision Vol.1 - TV Appearances  1980-1987 - CD  
SAB 18/19 Sound & Vision Vol. 3 - TV Appearances 1996-1997 - 2CD  
SAB 20/21 Atlanta 1997 - Love 4 One Another Charities - Atlanta 19.01.1997 - 2CD
SAB 22/23 Aloha Hawaii - Honolulu  16.02.1997 - Audience Recording - 2CD  
SAB 029   Secret Chapter - Emancipation Outtakes - CD  
SAB 36/39 The Inner Sanctum - Outtakes + Rare Live Soundboard Tracks - 2CD  
SAB 37/38 Mountain View - Jam Of The Year Tour - Mountain View 10.101997 - Audience Recording - 2CD  
SAB 43/44 Apotheosis - Outtakes from various Periods - Soundboard - 2CD  
SAB 45/46/66 Stripped Down - La Coruna 19.07.1990 / Tokyo 31.08.1990 - both Soundboard - 2CD/CD-ROM Video  
SAB 47/48 Nighttown Vega - 19.08.1998 Copenhagen Aftershow / 12.08.1998 Rotterdam Aftershow - 2CD  
SAB 49/50 The Freak - Newpower Soul Tour - 13.08.1998 Brüssels - Audience Recording - 2CD  
SAB 53/54  R U Experienced? - Paisley Park 13.02.94 Soundboard / Miami, Glam Slam 23.08.95 Soundboard - 2CD  
SAB 55     Gold Aftershow 1995 - Brüssels 28.03.1995 - Audience Recording - CD  
SAB 56/57 Birthday Parade - Detroit 07.06.1986 - Soundboard / Sheridan 01.07.1986 - Soundboard - CD/CD-ROM Video  
SAB 58/59/60 Return to Zenith - Paris 21.08.1998 - Audience Recording + Bonus London/Marbella 1998 - 3CD  
SAB 64/65 Cafe de Paris -  London, Café de Paris 28.08.1998 - Soundboard - CD/CD-ROM Video Version  
SAB 67/69 A Night at the Bullring - NewPower Soul Tour Premiere - Marbella 08.08.1998 + Bonus Press Conference - 3CD  
SAB 72/73 Funkspectations - Zürich 23.08.1998 - Audience Recording + Bonus Chaka Khan Support - 2CD  
SAB 75/76 Rock this Joint - Cologne 28.12.1998 Aftershow - Audience Recording - 2CD  
SAB 77/78 R U Gonna go my way - Utrecht 24.12.1998 Aftershow with Lenny Kravitz - Audience Recording - 2CD  
SAB 79/80/94/95 Viva Las Vegas - Las Vegas 31.05.1999 + 02.01.1999 + Bonus "The Time" 01.01.1999 - 4CD  

SAB 81/82 Ahoy Rotterdam  - Rotterdam 11.08.1998 - Audience Recording - 2CD

SAB 83/84 Funkball - Ghent 28.12.1998 - Audience Recording - Newpower Soul Music Festival Tour Finale - 2CD  
SAB 85/86 Hypno Paradise - Stuttgart 26.12.1998 - Audience Recording + Bonus GCS Support - 2CD  
SAB 87/88 The Spanish Circus  - Barcelona 18.12.1998 - Newpower Soul Music Festival Tour - Audience Recording - 2CD  
SAB 89/90 The Christ  - Frankfurt  22.12.1998 - Audience Recording + Bonus GCS Support - 2CD  
SAB 91/92 Miles from the Park - Paisley Park 31.12.87- Soundboard Show with Miles Davis - CD/CDROM Video Version     
SAB 93       Disco 2000 - Cologne 27.12.1998 - Audience Recording -  Newpower Soul Music Festival Tour - 2CD  
SAB 98/99/100 Aqua Regia - Madrid 24.11.1999 + Bonus Septimo Performance - Audience Recording - 3CD  
SAB 101/102/103/104  Meet My Heroes - various Soundboard/Audience Recordings (1986-1999) with other Musicians - 4CD  
SAB 108/109 Rave un 2 the Year 2000 - Paisley Park 17/18.12.1999 - Soundboard -  Bonus TV Appearances 1999 - 2CD  
SAB 110/112 SOTT Live - Minneapolis 21.03.87 / Paris 17.07.87 / S.O.T.T. Concert Movie - All Shows are Soundboard - 3CD  
SAB 113/115 Lovesexy Tour Rehearsals Vol.1 - various Soundboard Tour Rehearsals from early 1988 to July 1988 - 3CD  
SAB 116/118 A Celebration - Minneapolis 13.06.2000 - Celebration 2000 - Audience Rec. - Bonus: Bunkers Bar 2000 - 3CD  
SAB 120/121 Purple Rain Tour Finale -  Miami 07.04.1985 - Purple Rain Tour Finale - Soundboard - Sheila E Support - 2CD  
SAB 122/123 Hit & Run Richmond 2000  - Richmond 08.11.2000 - Hit N Run Tour - Audience Recording - 2CD  
SAB 124/125 Live In Dortmund 1988 - Dortmund 09.09.1988 - Soundboard Recording - 2CD  
SAB 128/130-142/144 The Purple Rush Vol.1 - Long Beach 10.03.85 / various  1983/84 Rehearsals -  6CD  
SAB 131/132 Electric Factory  - Philadelphia 21.04.1998 - Newpower Soul Tour - Audience Recording - 2CD  
SAB 133/134 Thieves in the Temple - London 24.06.1992 - Soundboard Recording - + Bonus Material - 2CD  
SAB 135-137 Parade Around The World - Paris 25.08.86 +  various other 1986 Soundboard Live Shows + Rehearsals - 3CD  
SAB 138/139 Hit N Run Denver 2001 - Denver 24.04.2001 - Hit N Run Tour - Audience Recording  + Support Acts - 2CD  
SAB 145/146 South American Festivals - Rio de Janeiro 18.01.1991 (Soundboard) / Buenos Aires 21.01.1991 (Audience) - 2CD  
SAB 147/149 Emporium Remastered - London 22.03.95 Aftershow / London 23.03.95 Aftershow - Audience Recording - 3CD  
SAB 150/151 Wendy & Lisa - Friendly Fire  - unreleased "Friendly Fire" Album (1994) + Outtakes / B-Sides / '12 Mixe - 2CD  
SAB 152/157 Paisley Park: A Celebration 2001 - 15/16.06.2001 + The Time/Maceo Parker/Erykah Badu/Common/Alicia Keys - 6CD  
SAB 158/159 Joy in Repetition  - San Francisco 29.04.2001 + Bonus San Jose 19.04.1997 - Audience Recording - 2CD  
SAB 160/161 Vavoom!  - Outtakes (1997-2201) / unreleased Ingrid Chavez Album / Kim Basinger Outtake - 2CD  
SAB 162/165 Lovesexy Tour Rehearsals Vol.2 - various Soundboard Tour Rehearsals from April 1988 to June 1988 - 4CD  
SAB 166/169 Sign of the Times Rehearsal Sessions 1.0 - various Tour Rehearsals (February - November 1987) - 4CD  
SAB 170/172 Sign of the Times Rehearsal Sessions 2.0 - various Tour Rehearsals (Paisley Park/Birmingham April 1987) - 3CD  
SAB 173/176 Purple Rush Vol. 2 - Piano Rehearsal 82 / Piano Rehearsal 83 / various Rehearsals 1983/1984 - Soundboard - 4CD  
SAB 177/180 Purple Rush Vol. 3 - various Rehearsals 1984 / The Family Rehearsal 1984 - Soundboard - 4CD  
SAB 181/184 Purple Rush Vol. 4 - various Rehearsals 1985 / The Family Rehearsal 1985 / Atlanta 04.01.85 Show - Soundboard - 4CD  
SAB 185/186 Sendai 1989 - Soundboard Recording - Sendai, Japan 01.02.1989 + Bonus Tracks - 2CD  
SAB 187/188 San Francisco 1986 -  Audience Recording - San Francisco 23.05.1986 - Hit & Run Tour - + Bonus - 2CD  
prince: one nite alone in chicago
    (2002, 2cd-bootleg, ??, sabotage records sab 189/190)

prince_b_onainchicago_sab189.jpg (16013 bytes)

SAB 191/192 ONA @ the Soundchecks - US One Nite Alone Tour Soundcheck: Buffalo/Detroit/Columbus/Lakeland/Louisville - 2CD  
SAB 193         Dream Factory Remastered  - unreleased 1986 Album - CD  
SAB 194/195 Last Night In Europe - Hamburg 31.08.1986 - Audience Recording - + Nice Rehearsal 1985 - 2CD  
SAB 196/197 Whole Lotta Love 4 Paris - One Nite Alone Aftershow - Paris,Le Bataclan - Audience Recoding - 2CD  
SAB 198/198 Parade Era Rehearsal Sessions - various Hit & Run / Parade Tour Rehearsals February/April 1986 - 2CD  
SAB 200/201 Electric Fetus - Grand Rapids 20.11.2000 Aftershow/Las Vegas 10.12.2000 Aftershow/Larry Graham 18.02.1999 - 2CD  
SAB 202/203 ONA in Buffalo - One Nite Alone Tour - Buffalo 07.03.2002 - Audience Recording - 2CD  
SAB 206/207 ONA In Detroit - One Nite Alone Tour - Detroit 06.03. 2002 - Audience Recording - 2CD  
SAB 208/209 Nagoya 1989 - Lovesexy Tour - Nagoya, Japan 07.02.1989 - Soundboard Recording - 2CD  
SAB 210/212 One Nite Alone In Washington - ONA Tour - Washington 30.03.2002 - Show + Soundcheck - Audience  - 3CD  
SAB 213/214 One More Nite In Washington - ONA Tour - Washington 31.03.2002 - Special Guest: Carlos Santana - 2CD  
SAB 218-221 Purple Rush Vol. 5 - Minneapolis 03.08.83 / 07.06.1984 / 25.10.1984 - Syracuse 30.03.1985 (Soundboard) - 4CD  
SAB 222/223 ONA in L.A. - One Nite Alone Tour - Los Angeles 20.04.2002 - Audience Recording - 2CD  
SAB 224/225 ONA Exclusive European Soundchecks - Rotterdam 02.11.02 / Milano 31.10.02 / Berlin 19.10.02 - 2CD  
SAB 226/228 Funkschool Rotterdam - One Nite Alone Tour - Rotterdam 15.10.2002 - Show + Soundcheck - 3CD  
prince: one nite alone in berlin
    (2003, 3cd-bootleg, ??, sabotage records sab 229/231)

prince_sab229.jpg (20294 bytes)

SAB 232/234 ONA @ The Apollo  - One Nite Alone Tour - London 03.10.2002 + Soundchecks London 04/05.2002 - 3CD  
SAB 235/238 ONA in Japan  - Osaka 28.11.2002 (complete) / Selected Tracks from Various Japanese ONA Shows - 4CD  
SAB 239/242 Funkin´ Copenhagen - ONA Tour Copenhagen 25.10.2002 -  Show + Soundcheck + Aftershow - 4CD  
SAB 242b      One Nite Alone In Copenhagen - ONA Tour Soundboard Aftershow - Copenhagen 26.10.02 - CD  
SAB 243/244 Winnipeg & London Aftershows - ONA Tour Aftershows Winnipeg 07.06.2002 / London 06.10. 2002 - 2CD  
SAB 245/247 One Nite Alone In Oberhausen - ONA Tour - Oberhausen 27.10.2002 - Show + Soundcheck -3CD  
SAB 248-250 One Nite Alone In Paris - ONA Tour - Paris 28.10.2002 - Main Show + Soundcheck - 3CD  
SAB 251/253 Osaka 1989 - Lovesexy Tour - Osaka 12.02.1989 - Main Show + Soundcheck - both Soundboard!!! - 3CD  
SAB 254/256 One Nite Alone In Hamburg - ONA Tour - Hamburg 16.10.2002 - Main Show + Soundcheck - 3CD  
SAB 257/259 Continental Drift - various Soundboard Recordings from 1999 to 2002 - incl. Las Vegas 15.12.2002 - 3CD  
SAB 260         Xpectation - unreleased Album feat Vanessa Mae (Soundboard) +  various Bonus Tracks - CD  
prince: one nite alone in fukuoka
    (2004, 2cd-bootleg, ??, sabotage records sab 261/262) = fukuoka 26.11.2002/11/26 main show & soundcheck  
SAB 263/274 Xenophobia 2002 Remastered - Celebration 21st - 28th June 2002 - Paisley Park - 12CD Set + Poster  
SAB 275/277 Hawaii Tapes Vol. 1 - Honolulu 16.12.2003 - Main Show / 17.12.2003 - Aftershow - 3CD
SAB 278/281 Hawaii Tapes Vol. 2 - Maui 19.12.2003 - Main Show / 20.12.2003 - Aftershow  + Soundchecks - 4CD  
SAB 282/285 Lovesexy Live in Atlanta - Lovesexy US Tour - Atlanta 13.10.1988 / 14.10.1988 - 2 complete Shows - 4CD  
prince: footsteps 2 fillmore
    (2004, 4cd-bootleg, ??, sabotage records sab 286/289) = los angeles 2004/02/15 & 2004/02/16

prince_sab286c.jpg (15685 bytes)

SAB 290/291 Reno 2004ever - Musicology Tour Warm Up Show - Reno - 27.03.2004 - Audience Recording - 2CD  
SAB 292/293 Biloxi 2004ever - Musicology Tour - Biloxi 01.05.2004 - Audience Recording - 2CD  
SAB 294       Radio City Music Hall - Act 1 - New York 1993 + more - all Soundbaord - CD  
SAB 295-297b Lovesexy USA - Lovesexy Tour Aftershows - NYC / San Francisco / L.A. +  new L.A. Source Disc - 4CD  
SAB 298/299 Sound & Vision Vol. 6 - Remastered - TV Appearances 2001-2004 - incl. remastered Disc 1 - 3CD  
SAB 300/301 Starlight Lounge - Act I Tour Soundboard Aftershows - San Francisco 12.04.93 / Chicago 06.04.93 - 2CD  
SAB 302/305 When The Lights Go Down - Australian 2003 Tour - various Main Shows / Aftershows / Soundchecks - 4CD  
SAB 306/307 New York 2004ever - Musicology Tour - New York 14.07.2004 - Audience Recording - 2CD  
SAB 308/309 The New Golden Age - Coachella Music + Arts Festival, Indio 26.04.2008 - Audience Audio + 80 min Video - 2CD  
SAB 310/311 Oakland 2001 - Oakland 28.04.2001 - complete Soundboard Show + SB Material - 2CD  
SAB 312/313 Sound + Vision Vol. 7 - TV Appearances + Broadcast 2005-2007 - Soundboard - 2CD  
SAB 314/315 Live 4 Love - Diamonds And Pearls Tour - London 15.06.1992 - Soundboard Recording - Bonus: Ryde Dyvine 1992 - 2CD  
SAB 316/317 Phoenix 4ever - Musicology Tour - Phoenix 31.03.2004 / Bonus: San Antonio 09.06.2004 - 2CD  
SAB 318/323 The Park 2004 - Musicology Tour Aftershows - Paisley Park 17/18/19.06.2004 + Bonus Main Show Highlights - 6CD  
SAB 324/326 Los Angeles-Big Screen - Musicology Tour Premiere - L.A. 29.03.04 - Soundboard - 2CD/DVD  

SAB 330/350 The Indigo Chronicles - 3121 Aftershows - London - IndigO2 - August to September 2007 -  21 CD + Cardboard Box  
                        + One Nation Under A Groove - London, 31.08.2007 + Highlights -  3CD = 24 Disc  

SAB 354/359 Purple Rush Vol. 6 - Let The Good Times Roll - various Rehearsals + Concerts from 1983 to 1984 - 6CD  
SAB 360/363 Purple Rush Vol. 7 - The Demos and Outtakes from the Purple Rain Era - 47 Tracks - perfect Soundboard - 4CD  
SAB               The Purple Rush Cardboard Box - stylish Box for all seven Purple Rush Volumes  
SAB 364/365  An Entirely New Galaxy - Los Angeles 2009 - Audience Recording -2CD  
SAB 366/367  Sound + Vision Vol. 8 - TV Appearances + Broadcast 2007-2009 - Soundboard - 2CD  
SAB 368-369   Montreux Jazz Festival 2009 - Audience Recording + Soundboard Bonus Tracks - 2CD  
SAB 370-373   Prince Live In Monaco 2009 - Audience Recording + Soundboard Bonus Tracks - 4CD  
SAB 374-379   All Day All Night - The complete Paris 2009 Recordings - Audience Recording + Soundboard Bonus Tracks - 6CD  
SAB 400-403   City Lights Remastered + Extended Vol. 1 - Soundboard Shows (1979-1981) + rare Bonus - 4CD  
SAB 404-409   City Lights Remastered + Extended Vol. 2 - Soundboard Shows (1981-1982) + rare Bonus - 6CD  

Wax Poetics magazine n°50, February 2012

Their tenth anniversary issue, a Prince special.

People magazine

Prince special, 2016

Prince - De complete geïllustreerde geschiedenis
    (2017, book, nl, librero)

by Jason Draper

Prince - The Icon Series
    (2017, book, nl, rebo productions)




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soundtracks various artists