they saved zappa's moustache
- incl.various frank zappa compositions
2012 | download | usa | ncn |
1995/03/31 radio show on kpfa radio, berkeley
program, 'They Saved Zappa's Moustache' (also known as 'Zapped' as coined by
co-creator of the program Don Joyce of Negativland) is the full, official,
re-mastered release of this sound collage show mixed live on the air by Don
Joyce and Phineas Narco (of The National Cynical Network).
It was broadcast in March of 1995 on Negativland's KPFA radio show, 'Over the
It is an almost 5-hour experimental remix of, and tribute to, Frank Zappa and
his music. The program primarily focused on the music Frank Zappa created early
on in his career.
It is available for the first time in lossless (and other) formats on a
name-your-own-price basis at The National Cynical Network's bandcamp site.
This program was recorded directly from the KPFA headphone feed (at the
time of broadcast) onto Hi-Fi VCR tape, and directly transferred from that
master to this digital copy for maximum sound fidelity.
mixed live on the air by don joyce and phineas narco
ote intro and bicycle 17:22
scary looking hair 04:47
hippie cynicism and calls from callers04:11
cheap thrills and other cutups 09:04
pick up sticks 04:49
anyway, the wind 03:22
monkees 10:13
lick your stamps 04:57
hunger of the freaks 02:08
say the same thing again 01:36
frank [rudy schwartz project] 01:44
transcends music 05:59
using the chicken 04:54
the other members of negativland 06:32
the kids are freaking out 08:33
what would you do if we let you go home 04:06
what do you want? 05:52
go ahead and cry 03:16
john and yoko 25:05
help, i'm a monster magnet 12:33
comedy sketch weave 09:56
serial material part 1 08:51
my guitars want to kill your mamas 03:12
650bn 03:56
serious music part 1 09:46
serious music part 2 15:31
what do you want? part 2 07:05
great hopes 06:33
numbers 07:08
paint your head 02:02
serial material part 2 08:59
creamcheeze 06:03
crying 05:35
voice to voice 01:28
subtle porn rock 08:47